Java Back-End Road Map for absolute Beginners

Java Journey: A Roadmap for Absolute Beginners

Java Back-End Road Map for absolute Beginners

Why only Java?

  1. Java is easy to learn.

  2. Platform Independent.

  3. WORA: stands for write once, run anywhere.

  4. Java is open-source and free of cost.

  5. Java has a Rich API.

Learn the Basics of Programming

  1. Firstly concentrate on Core Java Concepts.

  2. Difference Between JDK, JRE and JVM.

  3. Understand Naming Conventions, variables, data types, operators, and control statements.

  4. Learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts

    1. Object

    2. Class

    3. Inheritance

    4. Polymorphism

    5. Abstraction

    6. Encapsulation

  5. Learn About Arrays and related concepts

    1. Declaring an Array

    2. Creating an Array

    3. Initializing Arrays

    4. Accessing Elements

    5. Array Length

    6. Iterating Through an Array

    7. Multidimensional Arrays

  6. Now Let's Go to the most important concept of Java which is Exception Handling.

    1. Types of Exceptions

      1. Checked Exceptions

      2. Unchecked Exceptions

    2. try, catch, finally, and throw keywords.

Java String handling

  1. Introduction to String

  2. String class Functions

  3. StringBuffer class

  4. StringBuilder class

Multi-threading in Java

  1. What is a Thread in Java?

  2. Life Cycle of a Thread.

  3. Creation of a Thread.

Java 8 Features

  1. Java Lambda Expressions

  2. Java forEach Method

  3. Java Functional Interface

  4. Java Stream API

  5. Java Parallel Array Sorting

  6. Java Collectors Class

  7. Java Method Reference

  8. Java Optional Class

Learn What is Collection in Java !!

  1. What is the collection framework?

  2. Hierarchy of Collection Framework

  3. Methods of Collection Interface

Advanced Concepts of Java (Optional)

  1. Autoboxing and Unboxing

  2. Java I/O Stream

  3. Serialization

  4. Java Networking

  5. Generics

  6. Java Wrapper Classes

JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)

  1. Introduction to JDBC and Types of JDBC Drivers

  2. Establishing Database Connections (Steps to Connect to DB)

  3. Executing SQL Queries

  4. Exception Handling (SQLException)

  5. ORM frameworks like Hibernate or JPA (Java Persistence API).


  1. Hibernate Framework and Architecture

  2. ORM Tool and Architecture

  3. What is JPA?

  4. Hibernate using XML

  5. Hibernate using Annotation

Spring Framework

  1. Spring Core

    1. Introduction to Spring

    2. Spring Maven Project

    3. Spring Project Using STS

    4. Spring IOC Container

    5. XML Based Configuration

    6. Annotation and XML Config

    7. Spring Bean

    8. Spring Bean LifeCycle

  2. Spring MVC

  3. Spring DI, IOC and AOP

  4. Spring with JDBC, ORM and Hibernate/ JPA

  5. Spring Boot

    1. Spring vs. Spring Boot vs. Spring MVC

    2. Spring Boot Architecture

    3. Spring Boot Auto-configuration

    4. Creating a Rest Application

    5. Spring Boot Exception Handling

    6. Spring Boot Validations

    7. Spring Boot Cloud Deployment